Friday, August 6, 2010

INNING #4!!! my...pretty boy swag!

Top Half

8:22 - Javy with his first solid inning as he moves 1-2-3 through the 9-1-2 guys for Boston: Lowrie on the K-swinging, Ellsbury with the fly to Grandy, and Scutaro with the fly to Swisher.  Easy peezy.  Next inning will be a tougher test for sure.

Bottom Half

8:25 - Cano starts things up with his second hit.  Robby could very well be on the brink of another monster tear.  Glad I traded him in fantasy.  That's I was manager of the year last season as voted on by the Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball Board of Directors...
8:26 - Okay, okay.  I made that last bit up.  Convincing, huh?
8:27 - Someone ought to tell Marco Scutaro that the idea is to get the ball to the guy standing on the bag.  Not, you know...the dirt.  That's a fielder's choice for Berkman and an E6 allowing Cano to get to second on the botched 4-6-3 double play.
8:28 - Leave it to Granderson to kill a perfectly good rally.  Nice turn and throw by Lowell for the 3-3-6 double play.  On the first pitch too.  Great at-bat Curtis.
 8:30 - Buccholz gets Cervelli to wiff on pitch number 6 for the third out.  That's an inning that the Yanks will look back on if they end up losing this one.  There may not be too many more opportunities against Clay in this one.

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